

Page history last edited by Isaac Scarborough 7 years, 12 months ago

Tajik Archives do not have their own websites, and information about them in not readily available on the internet.  Researchers interested in conducting work in Tajik archives are advised to contact the Archival Administration of the Republic of Tajikistan, contact information for which is listed below in Russian and English:


Главное архивное управление при Правительстве Республики Таджикистан
734038, Республика Таджикистан, г. Душанбе, ул. Негмат-Карабаева, 38/1
Начальник: Мирсаидова, Дилором Амоновна
Тел. : (992-37) 233-95-71, 233-63-52.
E-mail: rt_arhiv@mail.ru.


Central Archival Administration of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

38/1 Negmat-Karabaev St., Dushanbe, Tajikistan 734038

Director: Dilorom Amonovna Mirsaidova

Tel.: +992 37 233-95-71, 233-63-52

E-mail: rt_arhiv@mail.ru


In addition, extended information about gaining access to and working in Tajik archives can be found in the following document:Archival Access in Tajikistan.pdf.

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