Date of tip: December 2005
Source: Tanya Harmer and Guy Baron
Location: Florence Boot Hall, University Park Campus, University of Nottingham
How to get there: Maps and Directions can be found at:
Language: English and Spanish
Getting started: The Hennessy Collection is open to researchers by special arrangement and with a supporting letter from your supervisor. You will need to contact Guy Baron by e-mail who presently looks after the collection. He will then organise a suitable time for him to meet you and let you into the collection.
Opening Hours: To be arranged with Guy Baron
General working conditions: The collection is housed in a small but comfortable room in Florence Boot Hall. It has space for around 3-4 researchers.
Consultation: The timing and consultation of the many journals, newspapers and books whilst in the library is up to you. Before you arrive you may want to consult the online database of resources at the link cited above. Once you arrive at the archive, either Guy or another member of staff will guide your search initially but thereafter you will probably be left to work in the collection on your own. Just as the staff of the Collection are trusting, so researchers are respectful of this impressive and invaluable collection.
Policy on technology: Laptops/cameras/scanners are welcome. There is no internet connection available for researchers in Florence Boot Hall.
Photocopy policy: Photocopying is possible but you will need to locate one of Florence Boot Hall’s managerial staff/administrative assistants who will let you use the photocopiers at a reasonable price.
Particularities: The nearest food facilities can be found in the student’s union.
How to apply for classified files: N/A
Contact name in case of questions regarding classified files: N/A
Places to Stay: Outside term-time it may be possible for you to arrange accommodation at one of the University’s halls of residence.
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